Reflexology Lymph Drainage
RLD is an award winning reflexology technique which focuses on stimulating the lymphatic reflexes on the feet. The aim is to cause an effect on the lymphatic system in the body.
It is a unique sequence that has been researched and developed by Sally Kay BSc(Hons), whilst working in Cancer Care. The results appear to support the theory of reflexology.
Lymphoedema is defined as tissue swelling due to the failure of lymphatic drainage. After breast cancer a person may experience psychological or emotional difficulties due to altered body image, and a swollen limb can exacerbate this.
Research suggests that survivors with Lymphoedema are more likely to suffer psychological and emotional difficulties, be more disabled, and experience a poorer quality of life than survivors without the condition. Improved breast cancer survival rates suggest that approximately 2 in 3 women survive the disease beyond 20 years. This means that more people are living longer with this debilitating side effect for which there is currently no cure.
How does RLD help?
The Lymphatic System is connected to three other body systems: cardiovascular, digestive and immune system. These specific areas of the feet have thousands of nerve endings that corresponds to other parts of our body. Stimulation of nerves supplying the feet can help improve blood and lymph circulation and restore energy flow.
RLD can help in a variety of ways. This includes:
Reduced swelling
Less pain and discomfort
A feeling of improved body image and well-being
An increase in the strength and mobility of the arm or leg
Improvement of general well-being
What RLD treatment involves?
During an RLD treatment you can sit back and relax while I go through a specific sequence of reflexology to help your body to eliminate excess fluid and toxin build up. You won’t feel any pain, however, you may feel that some points are more tender than others.
Each treatment should last from 30 to 60 minutes and it is recommended to have weekly treatments for 4-6 weeks to start with.
You don’t have to suffer with Lymphoedema to try RLD it could be the answer that you have been looking for.
Lymphatic drainage massage (MLD) is used to treat conditions other than Lymphoedema, and RLD may be used similarly.
RLD may also be useful with the following conditions
Chronic fatigue
Sinus problems
Hormonal Balancing
Muscular tension
Aches and pains
Premenstrual Syndrome
Note: Reflexology is not a substitute for medical treatment nor is it a diagnostic system. Always consult a GP or other health professional for medical attention and advice.
Please note contra-indications of RLD are DVT, cellulitis, unstable heart conditions and kidney failure.
Initial 90 min consultation and treatment: €90
1 hour treatment: €60